Tag Archives: America

‘Nuff Said

8 Feb


All I Want For Christmas Is…

9 Dec

Someone to shoot!


Ah yes, it’s a Republican Christmas: A time to spread cheer and love and peace on Earth. And what says love and peace and joy better than a wholesome family of mother and child(ren) packing heat along with their holiday message of Christian love?

Is Christmas dead? Apparently not yet!

At least not until Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and her 4 children decide they have a good reason to kill it? No doubt in defense of the Constitution, Santa Claus and Jesus! Because making friends with people who may be different from you is for Heaven…I guess.

And if you are a Republican, or anyone who thinks that this kind of crap is funny or cute or Christian or promoting positive values at Christmas time, especially from a United States Congresswoman who has sworn to represent all Americans, than you might as well get your gun and keep it by your side so you can always be ready to defend yourself… in Hell… where you’ll have all of eternity to blast away at lost souls who think just like you do.

Merry Christmas!

Cracker Box Palace

8 Jan
President Donald Trump, dressed in a dark blue suit with a light blue tie and white dress shirt, holds a copy of the Bible in front of Ashburton House, a former private residence which now serves as the priory house of St. John's Episcopal Church just north of Lafayette Square. St. John's is popularly known as the "Church of the Presidents" because every president since James Madison has attended services there at least once, typically on the day of their inauguration.

Somewhere out in the great beyond President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee are smiling. It may have taken 160 years but the U.S. Capitol, home of those Damned Dirty Yankees, has finally fallen! For yesterday, January 6th, 2021 another American date that will live in infamy (and infancy…as in tantrum) our Capitol building in Washington D.C. was attacked, captured and desecrated by the Confederacy… of Dunces.

It didn’t take very long, just a few pushes and shoves, broken windows, fireworks and Confederate flags flown high and the Republican mob was up Capitol Hill and over the Union’s defenses and into the Capital Building’s domed lobbies, sacred offices and grand legislative chambers.

The insurgents broke windows, started fires, trashed offices and occupied the building with little resistance from the Capitol Police who seemed flustered and confused over how to stop an angry, well armed white mob composed mostly of middle aged ladies in mom jeans and mostly bearded men flaunting their finest hillbilly chic sportswear and work boots.

Our Nation’s National Emblem, The Capitol Building, was in no way defended. There were no teargas canisters deployed, nor rubber bullets fired, nor any sign of heavily armored policemen to thwart the mob’s assault or stand in its way. Our country’s Vice President, and Congressmen and Women, who were inside the building fled in panic or cowered beneath their desks, taken completely by surprise even though they had been warned time and time again by our own President, most of his entourage and scores of elected Congressmen and women, that he would be avenged (most likely with violence) for his election loss.


In fact, only a few minutes before the attack, at a rally near the White House, President Trump and his son Donald Jr. along with trusted lawyer and friend, Rudy Giuliani, exhorted their adoring crowd of sycophantic psychos that it would take strength and not weakness to reclaim their country!

“We will never give up. We will never concede,” Trump told the attendees outside the White House, who cheered him on. “We will stop the steal!” (The election was stolen from him because more people voted against him than for him…and besides as any redneck ninny knows, the only real way to tell if an election held in the USA isn’t rigged is if the Republican candidate wins)

And so off they went, onwards to the Capitol Building of the United States of America! And in a most embarrassing and startling turn of events, captured it with ease…and the Confederacy of Trump was born! They broke and entered! Came, Saw… and Conquered!

The angry mob even Took photos and selfies with some smiling law enforcement? officers? And were even saluted by the Junior Senator from Missouri (seen below raising his fist in a show of white power) as they went about their business of pillaging, desecrating and mocking The Union that had once defeated them in war back in 1865.

All in all the insurrection seemed like Great, White, American fun! Yes, some were arrested (52) and some were killed (4) but when you figure it out as a percentage of the thousands who stormed the barricades (spoiler alert: there weren’t any barricades) it’s positively insignificant! (just like Covid-19) It was the most complete and swift victory ever accomplished by Confederate forces on American soil!

And when the President was appealed to and called upon to do something! anything! in defense of our Great Nation to help stop the rioting and to defend our Revered Constitution and intervene in this most violent insurrection… he took immediate action…and tweeted!!! (The tweet heard round the world?)

“You have to go home now…he said. We have to have peace.” and he added…”I know your pain. I know you’re hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it. Especially the other side. But you have to go home now,” Trump said.

He also added, and I paraphrase here because most of those tweets and videos have been deleted from the internet, (evidence of treason?) that he knows what it’s like to be a poor Confederate who loses when he should win and who doesn’t get what he wants when he wants it and who is persecuted by those who won’t give him what he wants…

He went on…

(And now I quote again) “These are the things and events that happen (the attempted over throw of Democracy?) when a sacred (?) landslide election victory (huh?) is so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away (by counting the voters votes?) from great patriots (He is calling the Confederate insurrectionists great patriots!) who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long, (Since the Civil War?) So go home. We love you. (He loves those who stormed the Capitol?) You’re very special. (because they did it for him?)

“It’s a very tough period of time,” he added. “But we can’t play into the hands of these people. (Americans? The Union? Those Citizens who didn’t vote for him?) who he went on to characterize as “so so bad and so so evil”! (If you didn’t vote for him you are evil…it’s THAT simple?) 330 million citizens – 74 million Trump voters leaves @ 256 Evil Americans! That’s a lot of evil Americans! No wonder most Republicans find so much fault with America…and Americans.

Ah well…and so when it got dark they were asked to leave and they left: these Haters of Democracy…these Champions of evil… rooting out of!…these Overthrowers of elections…not winning!… These Crackers of… where’s my cream cheese!

And they suffered No consequences…No bullets in the back as they retreated…No kneels to the backs of their necks as they gasped desperately in defense of their innocence…No hours long interrogations or confession signings… nope, nada. It’s as though they all had Presidential PBA Cards! It’s so good to know someone important isn’t it? It’s just so good to be so white and so right in America… isn’t it?

But what happens now? President Trump still has 2 full weeks to wield his scepter of seemingly unlimited influence and control over his mutineer minions. He still maintains that he has been wronged, swindled and unfairly toppled from his rightful throne. … and his confederated zealots, fresh from victory agree. And both have sworn to never give up their fight to restore him to his most lofty latrine of power.

One commentator offered a suggestion as to why all of this was happening: “The president just doesn’t know how to accept losing” he said… But I say that our President just doesn’t know how to accept America… and never has…nor do his followers.

So what happens now? Will this republican mob make another coordinated attack before or during the inauguration of President-elect Biden? Will President Trump have already pardoned himself before they do so? Will the insurgents be carrying Presidential pardons in their pockets too… thus having been made an invulnerable, un-prosecutable, monster mob of President Trump’s self righteous Id?

Holy Psyche Batman!

Who will stand up to this disparagement of Democracy? Will only the crack of doom cancel this shit show? Maybe President Trump will leave office peacefully, only to retire to Florida to live in Ex-presidential exile where he will then take to the airwaves as a prognosticating naysayer of all things not to his liking?… His family squabbling on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as a veritable Duck Dynasty of Doomsday Drivel and Despair?

Will we all be subjected to a daily soundtrack of American mockery…without reprieve nor end, from a self pardoned President and his brood awaiting their return to power?

Stay tuned America! Same Trump time! Same Trump channel!

American Carnage

9 Jun


In January of 2017 President Trump made his famous? infamous? neither?…. Inauguration Address in which he emphasized that America was a mess…so much of a mess that what we had was an “American Carnage”. Carnage was an interesting and unusual word for him to choose since it literally means a great slaughter, but he of course was using it figuratively to refer to America’ social and economic desolation at that time…

Here are some other phrases from that speech:

We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.

This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

America will start winning again, winning like never before.

The time for empty talk is over.

Now arrives the hour of action.

You will never be ignored again.

But that was 3 and a half years ago…before President Trump embarked on his great campaign to…Make America Great Again!

So what do you think America? After 3 and a half years of President Trump’s reconstruction effort…

How are we doing now?

Here’s what the President’s 2020 reelection campaign manager, Brad Parscale, thinks: “The President, along with the unyielding resolve of the American people, will Make America Great Again.”

And I’m not kidding. That is actually President Trump’s campaign slogan for his reelection bid this November. It appeared this weekend on TV. And it was exactly what I predicted the 2020 campaign slogan for President of the Untied States would be way back on January 10th of 2017 when I wrote this:

Soon President elect Donald Trump will assume the Presidency of the United States. I am one of the many Americans who views this as the beginning of at least 4 years of great trial and tribulation for the United States of America and the world at large.

Perhaps you are one of the other Americans who believes that this will be the dawn of a new wonderful American age, or perhaps you are one of those Americans who can’t wait to see what happens next as though this will be the beginning of the best television show you will ever hope to see.

In any event, I have no idea what is going to happen over the next 4 years but I am going to make a prediction about the future. Then we can all wait and see if I am correct or not. I predict that in 4 years (or sooner) The Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States 2020 slogan will be:


And I was almost correct! I thought the Democratic nominee for President in 2020 might say that we have to make America great again as a sarcastic nod to President Trump’s own failure to do so…but instead…President Trump is running out that same and now old slogan to cheer his supporters on? Again? Really?

I know President Trump loves to watch (and be on) television,  and he became famous? Infamous? Neither? …with his hit television show “The Apprentice” but now he is going to propose that his political show should go into re-runs? Seriously? Does he think he’ll be getting residuals?

Good Grief!

This coming fall get ready for season five of Make America Great Again! All of your favorites will be back doing what you love to see them do best…TRYING to make America great again… but in their own bumbling, frustrating, frantic, incompetent, mean, nasty and incredibly costly, ego driven way that only they can!…If you’ve liked him so far then President Trump and his cast of characters guarantee that there’ll be  plenty more American Carnage next season then you’ve ever seen before. 

And if you vote for that… then heaven help us all!





Leggo My Wall!

30 Jan

I received this add in my Email the other day from a website known as keepandbear.com…perhaps you’ve heard of it? Apparently their newest “toy” has been removed from their website by what they call a “large overseas toy company with deep pockets and lawyers” (Could it be Lego?)

And they have been threatened with a “devastating lawsuit”  (could it be because their toy is a rip off of Lego?) and finally even Facebook terminated their advertising account! (is that because Lego has a copyright on its blocks?)

And of course it is all a leftist, liberal conspiracy (trying to keep the toy wall from being built since the real wall has been terminated?) and an attempt to prevent maga children everywhere from building a miniature wall of their own while fantasizing no doubt about keeping fiendish immigrants away from themselves.

But don’t despair because they have set up a temporary on-line store for you to find and where you can purchase the “Build the Wall” play-set. It’s on sale for 30 bucks ($29.95) if you act now! And don’t just buy 1 buy 2 or 3! It’s certain to become a collector’s item. (I have no doubt about that!) They even have a GoFundMe page!

There are 101 pieces! Looks like it comes with 1 black base, 1 miniature President Trump, and 99 gray pieces of wall! (No illegal aliens included…miniatures, that is) So hurry! While supplies last! (I included the link if you’d like to check it out for yourself) It looks like a great imaginative toy for the inquisitive child who “just wants to build a big gray wall” and nothing else…


I also included this T-shirt that’s also on sale (they have lots of Tees for you to peruse) because it just seems so apropos of the Trump supporter. Heaven has strict immigration policies? And a wall? (where is that written?) So I can’t even sneak in? Damn it!

Why is it that I have no doubt that all Trump voters believe that they already have their ticket to Heaven punched because they voted for the man that they believe is the Second coming of Christ? (BTW I recently saw the Reverend Franklin Graham being interviewed on MSNBC and he stated that he had absolutely no knowledge of President Trump ever telling a lie!…I kid you not) Their Heaven just sounds too easy to me. How about you?

Who’s A Liberal?

29 Jan

Image result for liberal ideas in medicine

I don’t know if I can stay on Facebook much longer. Originally for me it was a great way to stay in contact with friends and former students to find out what they were doing, how they were doing, sharing memories, remembering birthdays and giving a shout out once in a while too.

Now it’s a seemingly endless wasteland of dysfunction and hatred…not always of course and not for all people who are members there, but it is getting awfully hard to scroll through the posts without developing agita from the toxicity of many of the comments and memes posted there.

Especially if you’re a liberal. As a liberal I like to see and listen to what others are thinking and then I like to offer up a different idea or present what I know to be facts or sometimes challenge ideas and statements that are presented there. I try to be polite but I do admit to sometimes being a bit sarcastic and probably too much so for my own good on occasion.

But do so called “Conservatives” really have to post things like, “All Liberals want to do is kill babies!” or ask “Why do Liberals hate America?” or post memes like “Liberals and Luciferism! The same thing!” And must they always try to equate being a liberal with being stupid or ugly or anti-American? Who died and made Conservatives boss and what in the hell is Luciferism and why do they know about it and I’ve never heard of it???

Anyway, my point is, has someone who considers themselves a “conservative” ever once wondered where they’d be without Liberals?!

They certainly wouldn’t be in the United States of America now would they? What is more liberal than Liberty?! And the concept of freedom? Being able to do as you please? Come and go when you want to. Not having to bow down to the whims of a king or queen or religious zealot or dictator? The Tories were the conservatives who didn’t want change so what did that make the Patriots? Liberals!

The Statue of Liberty??? Is she a Liberal??? “Come and get it. Mama’s here!” Does that sound like a “Conservative” to you?

Would Conservatives even be Christians without Liberals? Christianity was a pretty liberal idea wasn’t it? Love thy neighbor? The Golden Rule? Forgiveness of sins? Sharing? If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about Conservatives it’s that they are not very big on forgiveness, unless there’s a punishment first,  nor sharing…which they consider evil socialism. And yet they always like to post about how people and the world need to be more Christian just like they, “conservatives”, are…

Jesus chastised the rich, suggested reform for the clergy, fed the poor, healed the sick, comforted the weary, lonely and down trodden… Did he ever present a bill? Talk about Obamacare? Conservatives would really hate JesusCare wouldn’t they?

I went to a very Conservative Christian wedding once. No singing, no dancing, no alcohol…just marrying. That’s fine with me if that’s what you like and everyone there was happy and polite and enjoying themselves (except me 😦 … but let’s face it…Liberals invented fun!

Did you ever have a Liberal tell you to stop having fun because you were annoying him or her or because it was unseemly or because you were just having too much of a damn good time or you were playing the wrong kind of music or were not dressed properly enough?

Here are the antonyms of fun according to Merriam-Webster: boring, drab, dreary, dull, flat, heavy, humdrum, jading, leaden, monotonous, pedestrian, pleasure-less, ponderous, stodgy, stuffy, tedious, tiresome, tiring, wearisome, wearying… you get the picture. Does it sound like a conservative you know? Who do you invite to a party if you want to enjoy yourself? A Liberal that’s who! If you want an earful about what’s wrong with everything and why it can’t be yesterday… then you invite a Conservative.

How about the Superbowl? Do you love to watch the Superbowl? Well, you can thank Liberals for that too! The old NFL wanted no part of the AFL and a combined championship and league until the AFL with their passing game and new offensive approach blew the NFL away in 2 consecutive championships! Now we are about to have Superbowl 53 (or LIII for you Conservatives) the greatest sports spectacle and moneymaker for Conservative fat cat owners in the history of sports!

Without Liberals there’d be no Tom Brady and certainly no Tom Anybody throwing for 505 passing yards in a single game or the 1,151 total yards of combined yardage we saw between last years Superbowl teams. There’d be no 3 point shot in basketball. No Jackie Robinson ever in baseball! No women’s sports! Would we even be watching sports today if “conservative” rules hadn’t been liberalized?

And how about fire? Do you like light and warmth? If it were up to Conservatives we’d still be hanging out in the cave waiting for lightning to strike somewhere so we could have heat and warmth the way the Almighty intended us to.  Without a Liberal around to declare that we could take two rocks and smack them together whenever we wanted fire or what some conservative probably once proclaimed  to be “satanic sunshine”  where would we be today??? We’d be walking around saying things like, “don’t drop that ember you idiot, it’s all the creator left us to keep ourselves warm!” and/or Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.

And how about creation itself? Are you a fan of that? In the beginning there was dark and void and nothingness and what did the Creator say? Let there be light! And He said that before anyone had ever seen anything before including himself? (Herself? I am a liberal you know! Whereas a conservative would say: Ha! No way God could have been a woman) Light? What a Liberal idea? Change? Exploration? Difference? A Conservative God would have said “Turn off the light! You’re wasting electricity! Where’s my glasses?!”

And then God goes on to create the heavens and the Earth and all living creatures with such great care and intelligent design and then he adds us and watches for 6 millennia (conservative math)  as we humans set about to destroy, defile, pollute, dig up and use just about everything he’s created…and he doesn’t even stop us! Why? Free will!!!! He gave us Free Will… and we can settle up with him later?!!!!!

Talk about being a Liberal!?… Thank God! So if you “conservatives” out there want to rule the world all by yourself, just remember it will be a cold, dark and lonely place without any liberals around to keep you moving in the… “left”… direction.









Mr. Gorbachev, How Do You Build a Wall?

23 Jan

Image result for The Berlin Wall

“It is indeed an honor to be in this city, which stands as a symbol of the divisions of men on the face of the earth. For here on either side of the wall are God’s children and no man-made barrier can obliterate that fact. Whether it be East or West, men and women search for meaning, hope for fulfillment, yearn for faith in something beyond themselves, and cry desperately for love and community to support them in this pilgrim journey.”

-Martin Luther King (West Berlin, 1964)

And yet here in the USA, the greatest country in the history of countries, The richest country in the history of countries, perhaps the most diverse country in the history of countries, the country that beckons the world with give us your “tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free”, and despite all that, the country that yearns to somehow make itself great again…

Fears people who desperately want to come to America to be free and to try to make a better life for their families and children.

Now we want to make America great again by building a wall to keep people out? People we don’t want? People we don’t like? People who are poor, hungry, starving, alone…because we are afraid that they might take what we have, or want to share what we have, or for some reason that we can’t quite explain, want to come here to destroy what we have just for shits and giggles…?

Now we are separating thousands of children from their parents in the hopes of what? Making America a place where no one would want to come?

Now we are shutting down the Government and holding hundreds of thousands of working American Citizens financially hostage for what? Making America a place where everyone would like to leave?

Now we are spending 1 billion dollars each week to pretend that we are arguing over a wall that Republicans could have built already if they had really wanted it,  so they can now blame those who never wanted it when we already owe 22 trillion dollars as a nation for what? Making America a place where we can only pretend to be wealthy while thousands of our citizens go without food, clean water, homes, educations and health care?

“Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome;”

It is the “Mother of Exiles” who stands at the entrance to our great country and All of us who live here have in our past an exiled, banished, evicted, escaping, displaced, ostracized, fleeing, hopeful, dream-filled,  wandering or wondering immigrant member(s) of our ancestral family…who hoped to find a better place for their children and future ancestors to come.

Have we all forgotten that? Do our standards of excellence and honor and goodness here in America no longer apply? Is it just too crowded for us to share, or help anyone else anymore? Are we afraid that our melting pot has melted too much? Are there too many colors blending together to make America pretty anymore?

So our only alternative is to be Mean? Tough? Unrelentingly stubborn? cruel? Indifferent? Petty?…Maybe we should just dismantle the Statue of Liberty and every other monument to and symbol of our great republic and dump them all in great heaps along our borders with signs affixed that say “keep out!” and “go away!”

Or are we all God’s children? Really? Are we? Or do you think some other, lesser god made all of those folks that we don’t like? Like the devil perhaps? He’s a lesser god isn’t he? It’s tough being great isn’t it…because you have so few peers…and when you spend so much time among the other great ones, there really isn’t any other place to go, except…

So here we are; The greatest Country on Earth…now just the greatest Show on Earth? And The rest of the world is watching… but sadly,  I don’t think that most of us are seeing what they are seeing… And isn’t that the real tragedy?


Who’s A Moron?

6 Oct

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According to reports from several news outlets US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, at a meeting of national security officials at the Pentagon, threatened to resign his position over disagreements that he and the President have had over…well, just about everything…and then he called President Trump a “moron.”

But later at a press conference Secretary Tillerson said: “There’s never been a consideration in my mind to leave. I serve at the appointment of the president, and I am here for as long as the president feels I can be useful to achieving his objectives.”

However when asked directly if he had called Mr. Trump a “moron,” Secretary Tillerson said: “I’m not going to deal with petty stuff like that,”…Which of course means that he did call the President a moron.

President Trump supposedly is furious about all of this and apparently believes that we, the people of America who don’t blindly believe in his infallibility are the real morons for listening to and believing fake news reports such as this one.

But really what’s the big deal? President Trump has called people lots of unflattering and insulting names. He called former Secretary of State Clinton “evil”. President Obama was “sick”. Senator McCain a “coward”. Senator Cruz a “pussy”. Carly Fiorina was “ugly”. Megyn Kelly a “lightweight”. Ben Carson was a “liar”. A disabled reporter was “retarded”. The Pope was “disgraceful”. Mexicans are “rapists”. Puerto Ricans are “lazy”… and David Duke?…him he “doesn’t know much about”.

Meanwhile Melania Trump, the First Trophy Wife of the United States, (I could be mistaken? And is that an insult?) is doing her best to combat bullying in the United States??? And hopefully soon she will get to the bottom of it.

So who is the real moron in all of this ridiculous debate? You? Me? Secretary Tillerson? The media? The POTUS? The FLOTUS?

Well, we now live in a country where our President can do and say whatever he pleases about whomever he pleases, and he can do it in real time and on Twitter and then even Tweet that he never said what he said he said, even when we have copies of what he said on our own “smart” (not moron) phones and he can insult entire countries and the peoples in them (including our own!) and with the threat of total annihilation and war and he can do it all without the least bit of…

propriety, seemliness, decency, correctness, courtesy, good manners, dignity, good form, respectability, modesty, protocol, custom, convention, politeness, decorum or good taste…

and he still gets to be our POTUS for the next 4 years???….wait!

It’s our Founding Fathers! They’re THE MORONS!

(sorry Founding Fathers but you did not think of everything!)

Only in America?

21 Apr


President Trump recently signed an executive order to “Buy American, Hire American”, which directs a series of federal agency reviews to identify where the government can “aggressively promote and use American-made goods.” It also directs federal agencies to reform the visa laws, which allow companies to bring in highly skilled foreign workers, in an attempt to create more openings for American workers.

Ironically however, this new order would basically make sure that our government doesn’t buy anything that President trump makes! Because there are at least 12 countries where Trump products are manufactured and they include China, the Netherlands, Mexico, India, Turkey, Slovenia, Honduras, Germany, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea… Not to mention Trump products that have transited other countries through the packaging and shipping process.

And as for hiring American…we also know that our president, as a corporate executive, has hired more than 1300 foreign guest workers to work at his various businesses here in the U.S., including requesting 78 visas to staff his two Florida properties for this year alone. Don’t we have any American workers left in Florida?

In fact Donald Trump, now President Trump, has applied for more than 500 visas for foreign workers for his Mar-A-Lago Country Club/Estate/Southern White House… since 2010.

And wouldn’t seeing President trump’s tax returns go a long way in helping us understand just how much the President of America buys American and Hire’s American like he now wants all of us Americans to do?

For goodness sake…Even our First Lady is from a foreign country! But at least she’s married to the President and wasn’t hired by him…(wink, wink)…

This would really make a great reality show if it wasn’t really reality…wouldn’t it?


The Media is the Menace!

29 Jan


If you look at these two images and believe that you are seeing what you think you are seeing then you are one of the most dishonest human beings on Earth and nothing short of being lying, deceitful scum…and that’s not my opinion but rather the opinion of our 45th President of the United States.

At least that is what President Donald Trump had to say about members of the national media who reported that the above photo shows that President Obama’s 2009 inauguration as compared to President Trump’s 2017 inauguration, had more people in attendance.

President Trump’s press secretary even announced that the bottom photo, which shows the crowd at President Trump’s inauguration, actually depicts “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration,”

So, what do you think?

Not that it matters mind you, because, when you have won the Presidency of the United States isn’t that an achievement? Does the size of your inauguration crowd, as compared to another President’s crowd size, measure your success? On the first day? Really?

Doesn’t the President, and all of the President’s men… and women… have better things to do? Apparently not if you are Presidential Spokesperson, Kellyanne Conway. Who also went on national television to tell Americans that the President had “alternate facts” to explain why we should all see more people in his inaugural photo rather than President Obama’s inaugural photo.

President Trump’s political strategist, Steve Bannon, later joined the debate and went on to categorize the media as “the opposition party” (to Trump? to truth? to what?) and suggested that they “shut up” from here on in.

And recently Kellyanne added: “Get used to it. He’s (Trump) just getting started!”

So America, get used to the new normal. Seeing is no longer believing. Believing is believing! It’s just that simple. Listen to what the President says, then shut up and believe.

What could be an easier…and more American… way than that for you to help make America great again?

Bridgette Tales

Everybody has a story. Here's a little of mine.


Unleashing the beauty of creativity


Stream of Thought observations, images, and more


Real Gardening in my Real Garden

My Life As A Wife

Have I Lost My Mind?

Amber Evergreen

Luxury Curvy Companion in Scotland

When Life Hands You Lemons...

Figuring life out, one post at a time.

Mono Girl

Life Beyond Tired

Pen of Contention

Giving ink to life's little annoyances...

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Travel the world, one trip at a time

The Floating Thoughts

thoughts of yours & thoughts of ours...would create an unforgettable memoir !!!

My Journey to the CrossFit Games

Relentlessly Pursuing Excellence in CrossFit & In Life

The Mouse's Soapbox

observations from a certain, unique perspective - especially, these days, about dating


Travelling the world and dancing


a gated community for the overthinker

Three's a Herd

Mothering a preemie, a princess, and a work-in-progress

Michele Kendzie

mom of 3 unschoolers, photographer, and digital scrapbook designer


creative expression and imaginative exploration


Perspectives, Musings, and Messages from the All