We Come In Peace

16 Jan

A recent WIN (Worldwide International Network)/Gallop international, “End of Year”, survey of over 66,000 people asked the question, “Which country do you consider to be the greatest threat to peace?”

Pakistan with 8%, China with 6% and Afghanistan with 5% of the votes, came in at numbers 2,3 and 4 respectively… while 24% of those polled, or one out of every 4 people interviewed, chose the most dangerous country in the world to be…

US! As in us, the United States. Yes, we are #1!

Of course if you add up all of those percentages, the top four countries chosen received only 43% of the votes leaving over half of those polled choosing other countries as the most dangerous, so I’m assuming that those who were asked the question probably voted for the country most likely posing the most immediate threat to their own…but still just about 1/4 of those asked to contemplate which country is the most threatening to the world chose the U.S.

Which either means that the USA is busy threatening a lot of countries or as I’ve often maintained…

When you’re the guy in the neighborhood with lots of guns and ammunition it’s still awfully hard to convince people that you’ve come in peace…


4 Responses to “We Come In Peace”

  1. makagutu January 16, 2014 at 7:25 pm #

    Indeed, it is an uphill task

  2. smilecalm January 16, 2014 at 9:10 pm #

    of peacekeepers;
    the universal truth 🙂

  3. A Voice January 16, 2014 at 10:12 pm #

    When you think about it, so did the Predator…provided you fit a very narrow profile of pregnant, young or infirm. I’m not sure if our target profile is more or less broad, but it sure is different even with a softer presentation. When the Predator comes you know you’re probably fucked but the United States may have ice cream or a gun. It’s a gamble -after all, we stock up on both.

  4. NO ULTERIOR MOTIVE January 17, 2014 at 6:52 pm #

    I agree. Your essay is worth the read. The US is the bully in the schoolyard. Who wants to hangout with a bully? I know some folks who live in England. They told me, when they were kids they dreamed of coming to the United States. But not anymore. They stayed in Bristol, England and are glad they did.

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