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Our New National Anthem?

15 Nov

I propose this song as the United States new National Anthem! The Star Spangled Banner is so old and out dated and no one can remember all of the words anyway… and it’s too long. And this song that I propose is modern and with a beat plus it captures America’s conflicted and new mood… and it has so few words that everyone can remember them and sing along.

Remember when you were young and your heart was an open book?…Of course you do…

And you probably used to say things like “Live and let live.” Especially to your parents…You know you did.

But the world has changed and now we all say. “Live and let die.”… You know we do.

And it’s even got loud music, crescendos, bombs bursting and fireworks!

So what do you say America? Let’s change our National Anthem. Isn’t it time we did?

Really, What does it matter ? It’s just a song we sing at ball games.

Common! Wouldn’t you just love to sing this song out loud and clear…

and give the other fella hell!

You know you do!


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