Has He tried Prayer?

15 Oct

Image result for Trump supporter cunt t-shirts

Donald trump says that Hillary Clinton is leading the presidential race only because the entire free American electoral process is fixed. It’s corrupted and contaminated by a cabal of lying statesmen, corrupt politicians, incompetent FBI agents, dishonest Congressmen, Jewish bankers, evil Mexicans, Islamic terrorists, and sinful, irreligious, ungodly citizens.

Donald trump has had it with Hillary Clinton. He says that she is a crooked, evil, contemptible liar. He says that she belongs in jail and that if he is elected president he will see that she is arrested and put away. He says that she has incredible hate in her heart that he personally knows is there. He says that she is literally the devil and has even called for her murder should she be elected President of the United States.

But has he tried prayer?

Why doesn’t he stop saying such terrible things about Ms. Clinton and simply gather all of his Evangelical Christian supporters, which must number in the millions, and together with himself and his family form the largest prayer circle that the Christian world has ever seen and then…pray Hillary away?

He can’t lose then can he? All of America’s morally superior citizens gathered together in one place praying to God on high to defeat the very devil herself? With prayer all things are possible are they not?

So Mr. Trump, I propose you trying preying…with prayer. Does not God always bless America?



6 Responses to “Has He tried Prayer?”

  1. ranu802 October 15, 2016 at 8:41 pm #

    Good thought. šŸ™‚

  2. C.D. Belacho October 16, 2016 at 1:42 am #

    I hope, for everybody’s sake, a the better choice for the post will be made. Completely agree with this.

  3. julie42a October 16, 2016 at 7:18 am #

    That’s either a very good idea or really, REALLY blasphemous.

  4. emmylgant October 16, 2016 at 9:17 am #

    Impeccable logic. Brilliant!

  5. avwalters October 16, 2016 at 2:16 pm #

    Creepy. But then, look at the candidates. I’m voting Jill. At least it’ll make third party bids more viable in the future, and I’ll be able to sleep at night.

  6. D. Wallace Peach October 16, 2016 at 3:38 pm #

    I think he’s damaged beyond repair and prayer isn’t going to help. But voting for Hillary and making him lose by a huge margin will send a message to the Republican party. I hope it’s a message they hear. They in big trouble (a bitter taste of karma) for pandering to the “deplorables.”

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